Laura Schaefer is a freelance writer, editor and middle grade book author based in Orlando, Florida. Her latest novel will be released in the Fall of 2017 by Paula Wiseman books! Check back frequently for updates about this exciting project.

To order The Teashop Girls online, please visit your local Indie Bound bookstore or Powell's Books. To read a Teashop Girls excerpt, click here. A sequel to The Teashop Girls, The Secret Ingredient, is also available! Order your copy today.


Dear Reader,

It’s nearing the end of summer before ninth grade and Annie has been busy working as a barista at her grandmother's teashop, The Steeping Leaf.  In between serving up chai lattes and matcha frappes, Annie has gotten involved in a scone bakeoff with one of Louisa's tea suppliers. The winner gets an all-expenses paid trip to London for a tea vacation! Annie The competition is tough and sabatoge is in the air when suddenly Annie's food blog begins attracting mean comments. Then there's the whole matter of a stolen kiss with Zach Anderson in the Steeping Leaf stockroom. Could Annie's former sworn enemy become her current love interest? With the help of her two best friends, Genna and Zoe, can Annie come up with an awesome contest entry and sort out her love life before the end of the summer?

To find out more about the sequel to The Teashop Girls, THE SECRET INGREDIENT, check out its exciting first chapter here.


Who is your favorite character in The Secret Ingredient?

Louisa (1,586)

Zach (2,728)

Genna (1,549)

Zoe (1,133)

Total votes: 6996


Thank you to Toki Middle School!

01/09/2009 11:08
The Teashop Girls took over Toki Middle School in Madison today, and it was a huge success. Thank you to teacher Jacque Strahl and all of the sixth graders for the good questions. Here are my pictures:

The Teashop Girls on the air! 01.11.09

01/06/2009 16:38
Laura Schaefer will be interviewed this Sunday morning, January 11, at 11:30 a.m by the venerable Stu Levitan. If you live in the Madison area, tune in to The Mic 92.1 f.m.

Blogger love!

01/06/2009 14:15
Thank you to Bookshipper for the kind and insightful review of The Teashop Girls!

Author interview

12/29/2008 17:26
Thank you to Bookworm for the great questions and kind review of The Teashop Girls!

The Teashop Girls Reviewed by Publishers Weekly!

11/27/2008 19:48
The Teashop Girls Laura Schaefer, illus. by Sujean Rim. Simon & Schuster/Wiseman, $15.99 (256p) ISBN 978-1-4169-6793-4 Everything tea drinkers might want to know about that beverage can be found in this clever first novel. Thirteen-year-old Annie is determined to keep her grandmother's...

Good reviews for The Teashop Girls!

11/10/2008 22:42
Kirkus, November 15th issue: Nurtured in her grandmother Louisa’s teashop, The Steeping Leaf, Annie and best friends Zoe and Genna have been the “teashop girls” since kindergarten. As eighth grade rolls to a close, Annie laments the new directions Zoe and Genna are moving in, even as Annie’s love...

Book release

07/03/2008 21:36
The Teashop Girls will be released by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on December 30, 2008. Reserve your copy at today.

Book readings and tea parties!

07/03/2008 15:07
Laura will be available for readings of The Teashop Girls after the release in December and into the spring of 2009. Please e-mail if you are interested in hosting an event.

Tea party photos

07/02/2008 00:00
Tell your friends to visit! If you e-mail photos of your latest tea party, they just might go up here. Very exciting!
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